Hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune disease associated with destruction of thyroid gland cells by the body. Every autoimmune disease has a genetic predisposition and certain factors of the environment that trigger the onset of the disease. This means that the food we take is very important for our organism and the genes that we carry. There are many researches showing that certain diets help with Hashimoto’s disease as well as other autoimmune diseases, whereas other diets are associated with triggering these diseases and worsening the condition of the patients.


If you have Hashimoto’s disease, but your hormone levels are in reference ranges at the moment, keeping a certain diet may help slow down the process and decrease the amount of antibodies your immune system produces against your thyroid gland. Even patients who have hormonal problems are recommended to keep these diets in order to help treat the root causes of their condition. This is why we think finding the root cause is the first step to treating every disease. We can help you determine the root causes for your Hashimoto’s disease and whether or not the treatment your doctor suggests is the right one specifically for you.


The thyroid gland is very important for numerous functions in the body such as metabolism, temperature, energy, growth, memory, and so on. If the thyroid is not functioning properly all of these functions are interrupted in certain levels and symptoms occur such as the following:


  • Memory difficulties and difficulties learning new material.
  • Difficulties keeping a normal body temperature and increased sensitivity to coldness.
  • Muscle weakness, joint pain and stiffness.
  • Unexplained weight gain and sometimes loss.
  • Slow metabolism and increased risk for cardiovascular diseases, as well as diabetes.


These are only the most common symptoms and risks associated with Hashimoto’s disease. The diet recommended for this autoimmune disease includes specific nutrients that need to be taken regularly. The top three of them are the following:


  • You can find selenium in foods such as beef, chicken, legumes, eggs, tuna, Brazil nuts, and more.
  • It is present in chicken, beef, oysters, shellfish, cow’s milk, and more. Deficits are usually very uncommon, but taking it as supplement will increase normal production of thyroid hormones.
  • This nutrient is present in salt, as well as bread in Western countries. However, making certain that the products you buy have iodine is very important. In addition to them, iodine is present in potatoes, eggs, seafood, and more.


Benefits can be also found in specific diets such as vegan diet, gluten-free diet and paleo diet.


Paleo diet is a diet that focuses on taking food that only people from the Paleolithic period ate. This type of food is less likely to trigger any autoimmune processes in the body and this is why it is very effective for people who have Hashimoto’s disease or others who have family members with this condition and want to prevent it. Paleo diet includes the following foods:


  • Lean meat.
  • Fruits and vegetables.
  • Seeds and nuts.


Diet free in gluten is also recommended. Gluten is not associated with Hashimoto’s disease but it can trigger an autoimmune disease. It is well-known that having one autoimmune disease increases the chances of developing another one. This is why many patients have several autoimmune diseases at a time. If you want to follow this diet then you need to avoid these foods:


  • Pizza, pasta and bread.
  • Cookies and cakes.
  • Wheat and barley.


Vegan diet excludes meat and all animal products such as eggs, butter, milk, and so on. This diet can be really helpful, but it has also a lot of risks such as many deficiencies in important nutrients. For example, these nutrients can be vitamin D, B-12, iron, and more. This diet includes the following foods:


  • Vegetable oils.
  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Fruits and vegetables.
  • Tofu and tempeh.


Following these diets can significantly help your condition. Many patients who get hormone prescriptions by their doctors are also recommended to combine traditional treatment with alternative treatment that includes diets and food supplements. Changes of lifestyle may also be required in severe conditions. We can help you with your Hashimoto’s disease and treatment by explaining the details, as well as finding the root causes and the best options you have for treatment.